Nicole is an amazing branding photographer and one of my clients in Mission Unblocked. She’s been in biz for a while, but she came to me because she was tired of undercharging, she felt herself teetering on the edge of burnout, and she wanted the confidence to set healthy boundaries with her clients and her schedule.

I was like, girl, I gotchu. 😉

(Usually, these issues have very little to do with *not knowing how* to do something, and everything to do with subconscious beliefs that keep us stuck.)

In just two months of working together (we’re not done yet!), Nicole has:

💵 Nearly doubled her rates for one of her most popular service packages

🎉 Booked in several fun, super-aligned clients who have happily paid said rates

👋 Dropped her part-time job from 4 days/week to 2 days/week, so she can work more on HER business

🚫 Given herself permission to say no to things she doesn’t want to do

⏰ Stopped procrastinating (because she’s now building a biz she actually LIKES)

☀️ Had wayyy more fun and spontaneity in her life

😍 Started dreaming BIG about her future offerings and biz structure

…all because she said “enough is enough,” and she decided to take a chance on herself and invest in support. (Asking for help is HARD when you’re a solopreneur — believe me, I know.)

I am so damned proud of this badass. 🙌

Yes, I’ve helped her with some deep subconscious shifts. But Nicole is the one who has taken action, and I am so inspired to see what she is creating.

Check out some of her progress scores below. These are reflective of work we did on money mindset:

Wanna know what she said when I sent her this graphic to get her blessing?

That’s the power of working at the subconscious level. The shifts feel surreal, but they’re totally real. I can’t wait to see what continues to unfold for Nicole!

In Mission Unblocked, I help coaches, creatives, and service-based entrepreneurs release inner blocks to success. (I’m basically like a plumber for people’s minds. I go in there with my tools, pull out ancient hairballs and whats-its, and get your brain working FOR you again.)