You know how you can just totally be yourself around certain people? 

That’s the case with my friend Nicole, host of The Things We Couldn’t Say podcast. She’s on a mission to help women slay shame, and she had me on the show this week to talk about the shame of a mental health diagnosis.

(Or in my case, 10 diagnoses. If Taco Bell made a 10-layer shame dip, it would’ve had my name on it.)

I’ve been on a lot of podcasts, and usually, the host wants to pick my brain about the food-mood connection. Which is fine and all, but my heart always longs to go deeper.

Nicole and I did just that. She asked some amazing questions, and I opened up about…

  • Why I went back to therapy this year
  • The unconventional (and super-effective) things I’ve done to improve my emotional wellness
  • How traditional treatments can perpetuate toxic shame and feeling “broken”
  • The joy that is possible after substantial healing

Give it a listen here (or on your favorite podcast platform), and let me know what you think. Be sure to subscribe to The Things We Couldn’t Say if you’re done letting shame have a say in your life.

Speaking of podcasts, I’m finally launching my own!

Mark my words: it will be live by October 1, if not sooner. I’ve been wanting to start a podcast forever, but my brain always had 300 reasons why I shouldn’t. I’m taking a stance against my brain (ahem, my fear), and doing it anyway.

The name is a secret for now, but here’s what you can expect:

  • A deep dive into all things holistic mental health
  • My signature tough love and real talk (if you follow my Instagram stories, the podcast will be like that, but on steroids)
  • Lessons on the power of intentional thought and belief
  • Guest interviews with clients and leaders in this field
  • A big reveal about the new modality I’m training in
EEEEEP! I can’t wait.