This post originally appeared on Pills to Paleo, my former website.

Reading other peoples’ health recovery stories was one of the most important things I did during my own healing journey. In my darkest days, I turned to blogs for hope, reassurance, and a sense of camaraderie.

Empowered Sustenance was (and still is!) one of my favorites, and I looked up to Lauren in so many ways: her vulnerability, her determination, and her openheartedness. I felt such a deep connection with her, even though she was a stranger.

When she reached out to me and asked if I would share my story with her readers, I knew I had to pay it forward — if I could impact one person in the way that she impacted me, it would be worth it.

Here is that post: 3 Ways Holly Quit Antidepressants and Reclaimed Her Life

Things come full circle in the most beautiful ways.