Whole Mind Redesign

a 10-week coaching program for holistic mental wellness

this program has been retired

Thanks for your interest! To learn about different ways to work with me, please click the button below.

You’re ready for a different approach to mental health.

You’re struggling with your mood.

You’ve probably tried conventional approaches, like talk therapy or medication.

Sure, they helped, but you’re still not where you want to be.

And the idea that depression or anxiety is something you’ll just have to “manage” for the rest of your life?

That’s not sitting right with you.

You have this gut feeling that there’s another way. A better way.

One that honors you as a whole person: body, mind, and spirit.

But you’re having a hard time putting the pieces together and figuring out your next steps.

I know exactly what that feels like.

I was on a rollercoaster with my mood for years, and had over 10 different psychiatric diagnoses.

I was diligent with therapy and medication, but somehow, I managed to get worse — until an accidental discovery changed (and saved) my life.

Through trial and error, I discovered that food sensitivities and physical health problems were contributing to my mental health symptoms. And when I addressed those issues with nutrition and other holistic modalities, I found healing.

To say I am a different person now is an understatement:

  • My anxiety (which used to cripple me) is essentially gone, and now I have no problem introducing myself to strangers or talking in front of large audiences
  • I used to sleep until 2 p.m., and now I wake up early for self-care routines (I’m one of those obnoxious people 😜)
  • In the old days, I used to drink a bottle of wine every night, and regularly ate pizza, pasta, donuts, and ice cream to numb my feelings — now, I don’t even crave those foods
  • I struggled with weight loss resistance for a long time, but I finally figured out which hormonal system was “stuck,” enabling me to lose more than 60 pounds
  • My mood is solid, stable, and positive, and I no longer live in constant fear that I could have a meltdown at any moment

I share this to show you what’s possible. Just a few years ago, I was convinced I’d live with depression and anxiety forever.


I know what you’re thinking.

That gives me so much hope! But how can I know if nutrition will help me?

look for these signs:


depression and anxiety control your life

Your moods keep you from living your best life. You’re too down in the dumps (or high-strung on anxiety) to feel confident in most situations.


brain fog drags you down

Your head feels foggy, cloudy, and fuzzy. You feel less creative, you lose your train of thought, and you forget what to say mid-sentence.

traditional approaches haven't worked for you

You’ve likely tried talk therapy or medication. While you got some benefit from these tools, you can’t shake the feeling that something else is wrong.

you have embarrassing tummy troubles

Gas, constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, IBS, or bloating is your constant companion. But you’ve dealt with it for so long, it feels like “part of life.”


your energy is awful, and you're so exhausted

When you wake up, all you can think about is going back to sleep. You probably rely on coffee, energy drinks, or sweets to get through the day.

you're struggling to lose weight

You’re heavier than you’d like to be, but your weight loss attempts haven’t worked. You don’t feel confident, which adds to your depressive feelings.

Did you say "yes" to 3 or more issues?

If so, that’s a good thing. Why? It means that a nutritional imbalance is likely making your symptoms worse, even if you have a history of emotional trauma.

And now that you know, you have the power to do something about it.

Whole Mind Redesign is designed for people who have reached a breaking point.

You might be depressed, anxious, and low on energy, but something’s gotta give. You’re tired of feeling like your mood controls you, and you’re tired of not getting answers about your health.

Through small group coaching sessions, we’ll get to the root of why you feel the way you do. Then, you’ll be empowered with a step-by-step plan to support your best mental and physical health.

my program is based on these four components:


body systems assessment

Using clinical assessment tools, we’ll pinpoint which systems in your body are under stress. This way, you know exactly what to focus on as you move forward in your healing.

whole-person perspective

Nutrition is just part of the journey. Each week, you’ll be empowered to look at the whole picture, and understand how emotional, social, and environmental influences impact your mood.


mood-boosting nutrition

I’ll help you understand which foods support your best mood — and which ones might be causing trouble. This is far from your typical “diet” — no going hungry, and no counting calories.

supportive coaching

Change is hard. I’ll help you through the tough spots. Together, we’ll explore the places you feel stuck, so you can move forward in a way that feels good. You’ll receive both group coaching and 1-1 support. 

The Program: What’s Included


  • 10 weekly small group calls with lessons and coaching
  • Personalized support: your choice of an RTT hypnotherapy session or a 60-minute coaching session
  • Access to a private membership site to view your materials, ask questions, and interact with other members
  • Guidance through the Whole Mind Redesign nutrition protocol
  • 2 Nutritional Assessment Reports to identify imbalances and track your progress
  • Up to 15% off all recommended clinical-grade supplements (supplements are optional, but you will be provided with recommendations if you would like to incorporate them)
  • Members-only pricing for additional hypnotherapy sessions (if desired)

The Benefits: What You Can Expect

» Improved, stabilized, and brightened mood

» Less rumination and anxiety

» Reduced brain fog and clearer, sharper thinking

» Much more energy, especially in the morning

» Better digestion: reduced gas, bloating, constipation

» No more dizzy, weak, or “hangry” feelings

» Clearer skin and fewer breakouts

» Reduced PMS and menstrual symptoms

» Improved libido

» Fat loss and improved body composition

this program has been retired

Thanks for your interest! To learn about different ways to work with me, please click the button below.

Before working with Holly, I felt so stuck. Even though therapy was helping me, I still felt really depressed, I had no energy, and I was having a hard time losing weight.

Holly was able to show me that my stress had placed a burden on my adrenals and digestion, and that I needed to make some changes to support them. I was honestly skeptical, because I’ve been told that my lab results look fine.

After following her plan, I am down to one cup of coffee per day, I’ve lost 15 pounds, and my mood has seriously improved. I no longer feel like I’ve been hit by a truck when I wake up in the morning! I really wish I would have found her sooner. It would have saved me a lot of heartache. She is so supportive and I can’t recommend her enough.

Olivia D.

Henderson, North Carolina

You’ve been told your brain chemistry is imbalanced, it’s “all in your head,” or “it’s just stress.”

But what if it’s really your hormones, your digestion, or even food sensitivities? 

Wouldn’t you want to know?

Whole Mind Redesign gives you the tools, guidance, and support to understand and resolve the root causes of your symptoms.


my program is best for people who …

» Want to improve their mood naturally and holistically

» Have had limited results with therapy or medication

» Are struggling with energy, mental clarity, digestion, or weight

» Would like to prepare for an easier medication taper under the supervision of their doctor

» Have totally had it with their symptoms and are ready to try something new

» Are willing and ready to take charge of their health

The clinical experience to help you get results. The heartfelt experience of knowing exactly what it’s like.

I received rigorous training in functional nutrition through the Nutritional Therapy Association, and have immersed myself in countless hours of study regarding the role of nutrition in mental health. I am also a certified hypnotherapist, trained by Marisa Peer. Additionally, I know what it’s like to be “in the trenches” struggling with mood issues. My care is both clinical and compassionate, results-oriented and heart-centered.

— Holly Higgins, RTT, NTP

Working with Holly has transformed my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined. I quit my unfulfilling corporate job and started diving into personal development and spiritual work. After successfully completing food reintroductions, I have more energy, cleared my cystic acne, lost body fat, my hair started growing back, I overcame crippling anxiety, recovered from binge eating, and gained more confidence — just to name a few.

I can’t even begin to thank Holly for the enormous impact she’s had on my life. Her unwavering support, friendship, and love has helped me grow in more ways than I knew possible. There truly aren’t enough words or mountain tops to yell from for me to show my appreciation. Holly is not only an extremely talented coach, but an amazing example of someone who walks the talk of health and wellness. I couldn’t be luckier to have her as a partner through my health journey. 

Claire F.

Santa Barbara, California

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the investment? How much does it cost?

Please email me at holly@hollyfisherhiggins.com for pricing details — I will be happy to let you know the cost.

Do you offer private nutrition coaching?

At this time, I am only offering nutrition coaching through this program. I am focusing my 1-1 time on transformational hypnotherapy. After many years, I learned that most clients do better with nutritional changes in a small group setting — the community, accountability, and support cannot be beat! It is also so healing to connect with other like-minded souls on this journey. You’ll still receive plenty of support from me. I keep the groups very small so that you’ll receive lots of personalized guidance. Plus, you’ll receive a 1-1 RTT hypnotherapy session or 60-minute coaching session with me during the program (your choice). Additional 1-1 hypnotherapy sessions are available at special pricing for Whole Mind Redesign members. 

How does online coaching work?

I use Zoom Video Conferencing for all of my sessions and group calls. Zoom is quick and easy to download. It’s very similar to Skype. Outside of sessions and group calls, communication takes place via the private Whole Mind Redesign membership site.

What are the dates of the program?

Whole Mind Redesign has program start dates in January, April, and September. 

What types of dietary changes do you recommend?

The Whole Mind Redesign nutrition protocol is an anti-inflammatory template based on ancestral principles. During the program, you’ll focus your plate on quality meats, healthy fats, vegetables, fruits, and nuts and seeds. You’ll avoid foods that are known to negatively affect your mood, including gluten, dairy, and sugar. After the elimination phase, you will add foods back one by one to identify your triggers and create a long-term plan that works for you (because everyone is different!). You’ll be guided every step of the way.

I’m a big fan of healing nutrition protocols, but I also understand the struggles of emotional eating. I believe that food is not “black and white,” and I encourage a healthy relationship with food. You’ll find that my approach is grounded in science, flexibility, and grace. I want you to feel better, but I really don’t want you to drive yourself bonkers in the process!  

Please note that I do not work with vegetarians and vegans who are unwilling to incorporate animal products into their diet. There is a strong link between vegetarianism and mental health issues, and I do not advocate long-term vegetarian diets for this reason. Thank you for understanding.

I am on medication. Can I still do your program?

Of course! You do not need to have a goal of coming off medication in order to work with me. I do not believe in stigmatizing medication, and you can read more about my stance on that here.

I really want to do this, but I don't think it's the right time.

Whether it’s the holidays, an important event, or traveling, it seems like there is always something getting in the way of change. The fact is, there will never be a perfect time. Change happens when you DECIDE you are ready for it, despite inconveniences and obstacles.

That being said, there are times when this program truly isn’t a good fit. If you are uncertain, contact me with your concerns, and I can tell you whether or not my program would be a good choice for you.